Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday Mish Mash

I am forcing myself to post today even though I am in a "bleh" mood.

* I am crabby and cranky and have no patience today.  I realized why.  I forgot to take my pill last night.  I need to stop doing that!  This has also proved that in no uncertain terms can I go off my depression medication any time soon.

* Cal is sleeping terrible at night and I think it's my fault.  He goes down in his Rock N Play at first but at some point, wakes up and I bring him to bed with us.  I have no idea when/what time this occurs.  My body is on auto-pilot and when Cal fusses, in my stupor, I reach over and grab him.  I probably don't feed him enough which causes him to wake up more often at night.  My plan for tonight is to put the RNP on the other side of the bed so I am forced to get up out of bed and actually wake up.  This will encourage me to give him a full bottle so he sleeps for longer periods.  Let's hope it works.

* Jack ate eggs today.  That warrants a post of its own but seriously, eggs!  He requested eggs for lunch and Jason made him an egg and cheese omelette.  He ate about a third of the egg and all of the cheese.  I consider this a huge accomplishment!

* I made this delicious recipe last night for dinner.  The only thing I would do differently next time is add an additional cup of water.  My recipe was way thicker and I think that's because I didn't puree the beans with a cup of water.  So so so good!

* I signed up for Weight Watchers!  I am really excited about this.  I am tired of feeling like a frumpy mom.  Since I don't get dressed up for work I feel like I have lost my identity.  Losing some weight and feeling better about myself should help with this.  I calculated my Points and because I am pumping/breastfeeding, I get 49 daily Points!  Holy cow that's a lot!  I am hoping to post my progress on this blog.  I am kind of nervous to post my starting weight.  It's very embarrassing.  Let's just say that my eating has been out of control since I use the excuse "I am breastfeeding".  

* The weather here has been so nice.  It inspired me to focus on getting the backyard in order for summer.  I  bit the bullet and ordered Jack a climbing structure and a water table.  Those should be here any day.  And, I think we are going to buy this lawn furniture set.  I see some barbeques and entertaining in our future!

* Tomorrow, our house will be sparkling clean.  A company of the same name (Sparkling Clean) is going to come and deep clean our house.  It's so needed.  Our house isn't a pit but some parts have been neglected.  They quoted me an initial cleaning of 7-8 hours at $25/hour.  After that, they will come monthly for four hours.  I believe they are going to be doing those things that I just don't have time for:  Cleaning the oven, dusting the ceiling fans, cleaning the baseboards, washing windows, wiping down the cabinets, etc.  I can't tell you how ridiculously excited this makes me.

* Like I stated before, I am feeling "bleh".  I have no motivation today, just want to eat crap and do nothing. It's because I didn't take my pill.  That being said, I think I am going to insist on ordering pizza for dinner tonight.  I do not feel like cooking.  I hope my mood picks up soon.

That's all for now.  Hopefully I will have a nice post in the next couple of days about the state of our clean house and nice yard.  

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